I am afraid

I am afraid that the rain of the world, and not with me
I have a rain knot

Winter was covering me with his coat

I do not think of cold or boredom

Come close, beautiful ..

Come close, beautiful ..
Your eyes are allowed magic to enjoy it ..
And your smile charm may be enjoyed and increased ..

Beautiful dancer ..

You are a skilled dancer girl, so you will be swayed with joy, the head will go dizzy, the mind will go out of happiness if you know the drinky drinkers to put their wine to dance with you.

Our love, my princess, is above imagination

Our love, my princess, is above imagination
Above the clouds above the clouds above the mountains
Our love is a beautiful but towering castle of sand
Our lovely love is delicious on paper

When love disease

Madam ...
what are we doing..?
When love disease
And unable to Chweena Medicine
Or how to become love ..?

The thrill of love

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪lovers kiss‬‏

1. I want you
I do not know how you love me
Looking for your details and arrange words you perhaps come back
2-everything fall from my eyes I rub my feet
However, when you fell from the eyes of my heart pregnancy

Love lovers

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪lovers kiss‬‏

1. Each year and you as you are in the lobby of my heart
Of life that Hzptna well done torturing me
Unit that narrows whenever a Sharekni
Both lived in my heart and dedication and mastery Oodjaoh
To my sorrow, who has missed the train because it is bankrupt and could not buy a ticket joy one
For my girlfriend that Trdtna of friendship with candor
Luggage which accompanied me on more than one human life
Sleeping pain in my chest and wakes up from the lowest thing
Members of the memories that remain tightly to Bahia
For the wagon, which I lead my life full of fear and anticipation of dreams will not come true